Vol. 11 (2018): Drinovsky Sbornik

Volume 11 presents a collection of articles on the basis of 27 Cyril and Methodius Readings on the topic “Educational and Cultural Space of Central and Eastern Europe: National Models and Occidental Influences” (Kharkiv, 11-12 May 2016), held by the University Center for Bulgarian and Balkan studies named after Marin Drinov. The international conference was realized in framework of the project № 574727-EPP-1-2016-1-UA-EPPJMO-MODULE “History of the United Europe: Ideas, Projects and Integration”. In addition to thematic chapters it presents traditional for “Drinovski sbornik” sections: “Reviews”, “Scientific Life” etc. The edition is intended for professional historians, students of humanities and wide range of readers.

Published: 2019-07-20
