The change of power and politics in the information epoch

  • Т. Г. Авксентьєва
  • Л. А. Тихонова
Keywords: information epoch, government, politics, the virtual world, cultural codes


The specificity of social and political processes in the information epoch is observed. The main political characteristics of the digital division between societies are analyzed. In particular, author concerns societies that have the material and cultural conditions for their existence in the world of information and those who do not have them. It is alleged that the power in the information epoch belongs to those who are able to create new cultural codes.


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How to Cite
Авксентьєва, Т. Г., & Тихонова, Л. А. (2016). The change of power and politics in the information epoch. The Journal of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Issues of Political Science, 29, 134-138. Retrieved from