Web-quest language teaching methods as means of independent work organization and control of students' educational achievements on the Ukrainian language as foreign one.

  • І. М. Кушнір
  • С. І. Гіль
Keywords: independent work, Ukrainian as a foreign language, web-quest language teaching methods.


The article focuses on the necessity of increasing the efficiency of the students' independent work organization in teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language. The creation of continuous process of training Ukrainian as a foreign language not only in the limited time of studies, but also outside the audience is very important problem. To solve the specified issue, it is necessary to expand didactic space and time, to remove the process of foreign language learning out of the narrow limits of studies to the sphere of students' independent work to organize and operate their educational activity outside the university schedule.

The varieties of independent work, which were expired for the Ukrainian express-course for foreign students-philologists, were distinguished by the authors. They assume that doing exercises in an independent way according to the model and changes of structural and independent work is the most effective way for the initial level of proficiency.

Authors consider the possibilities of using web-quest language teaching methods for the effective foreign students-philologists' independent work organization and controlling their educational achievements. Web-quest methods are based on using information and communication technologies, Internet resources. The mechanism of intensifying foreign students' communicative competence formation on the basis of web-quest technology consists of creating microsocial academic network within a group task. The main advantage of these technologies is the possibility of controlling a remote educational process by providing the educational means which are necessary for foreign students, motivating self-training, stimulating continuous cross-cultural communication. The stage of the public presentation of the performed tasks allows using Web-quest technologies as means of foreign students-philologists' educational achievements assessment in their independent work.

To sum up, the author provides the example of using the above-mentioned language teaching methods in social networks or on distance learning platforms.


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How to Cite
Кушнір, І. М., & Гіль, С. І. (2017). Web-quest language teaching methods as means of independent work organization and control of students’ educational achievements on the Ukrainian language as foreign one. Teaching Languages at Higher Educational Establishments at the Present Stage. Intersubject Relations, (29), 80-89. Retrieved from https://periodicals.karazin.ua/language_teaching/article/view/8105