About the Journal

FIELD and subject matter


When submitting a manuscript, an author must confirm that it meets all the requirements stated below. Manuscripts that do not satisfy the requirements will be returned for improvement.

The journal publishes materials that deal with methods of (Ukrainian and foreign) language teaching in higher educational institutions, principles of writing textbooks and tutorials, teaching language aspects and place of culturology in the process of teaching foreign languages, and intersubject relations.

Language of publication: Ukrainian, English.

An article must contain the following elements: “a statement of a problem and its connection with important scientific or practical tasks; analysis of recent studies and publications dealing with the problem and serving as a basis for the author’s research; isolation of previously unsolved parts of a general problem; problem statement; presentation of the main material with comprehensive substantiation of the results; conclusions and perspectives of further research of the issue (Bulletin of the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine No1, 2003).

The Collected Papers are published by the Education and Research Institute of International Education of V.N. Karazin National University.

 The publicationl is a specialized journal in the field of Pedagogical Sciences (order of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine of March 17, 2020). Media identifier in the Register of the field of Media Entities: R30-04468 (Decision № 1538 dated May 9, 2024 of the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine, Protocol № 15).

 ISSN 2073-4379 (Print)

 Publication frequency: The journal is published twice a year (in June and December).

 Subject matter:

  • Methods of teaching languages (Ukrainian and foreign).
  • Psychological foundations of methods of language teaching.
  • Principles of continuity and interdisciplinary coordination in language teaching.
  • Application of the latest technologies in the process of language teaching.
  • Theoretical and practical issues of teaching translation.
  • Principles of writing new higher school language text-


 Aim and scope of publication:

  • Publication of scientific works by Ukrainian and foreign authors and dissemination of best practices of studying topical issues of language teaching;
  • Offering opportunity for all professionally interested readers to become acquainted with topical scientific research;
  • Promotion of theoretical and practical research in the field of language teaching.

 Journals mission: dissemination of results of the authors’ scientific research in the field of language teaching.

 Recommended for scholars, teaching methods specialists, teachers, postgraduates, and doctoral candidates.


The journal has the policy of immediate open access to the published content supporting the principles of the free dissemination of scientific information and the global exchange of knowledge for the sake of global social progress.


Reviewing Process

All the articles submitted to the Editorial Board are to be reviewed. The reviewing procedure is based upon adherence to academic integrity and balancing interests of the authors, readers and editorial board. The reviewers assess an article according to its scientific level; solidity, cogency and originality of the research results; appropriateness of methods and correspondence of the analysis and the conclusions, and make a decision to accept the article unchanged, revised or to decline it.

The reviewing procedure is anonymous for authors and reviewers (the journal uses a policy of the double-blind method). The reviewers include the members of the Editorial Board and third-party researchers specializing in appropriate fields.


Reviewing process:

  1. The author sends the article prepared according to the author guidelines and personal information to the journal’s e-mail address (vyklad.mov@karazin.ua). By submitting the article the author thereby gives his or her consent to the full text of the article being published on both the journal’s official site and the site of Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine.
  2. The author is informed that the article has been received and accepted for reviewing.
  3. 3. Articles are reviewed by the Editorial Board.
  4. 4. The editors propose their scientific or literary revisions to the author or in case any major amendments are deemed necessary return the article for improvement.
  5. 5. The Editorial Board reserves the right to reject an article that does not meet the established requirements or the subject matter or contains plagiarism. In case of rejection the Editorial Board provides the author with a motivated conclusion.
  6. 6. The reviewing process takes one month. After receiving anonymous reviews authors have two weeks to implement suggestions offered by the reviewers and the Editorial Board.
  7. 7. The executive secretary informs the author when the article has been accepted for publication.

All the articles are checked for plagiarism using StrikePlagiarism.com plagiarism detection system. The system estimates the similarity factor 1 (a percentage of text that determines a level of the borrowings found in certain sources and consisting of text fragments not less than 5 words in length) and similarity factor 2 (a percentage of text that determines a level of the borrowings found in certain sources and consisting of text fragments not less than 25 words in length). Recommended values of degree of originality are:

– for value of the similarity factor 1  – not more than 30%,

– for value of the similarity factor 2  – not more than 5%.

The final decision on presence of plagiarism or appropriateness of the borrowings is taken by the Editorial Board.

The materials are published after their approval by the Academic Board of V.N. Karazin National University.


The Editorial Board follows the ethical norms stated in the documents:

Responsible publication for editors (Responsible research publication: international standards for editors);

Responsible publication for authors (Responsible research publication: international standards for authors).

The journal is committed to meeting the high standards of publishing ethics set in the Code of Ethics for Ukrainian Scientists and by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) at all stages of the publication process.

Relationships between authors, editors and reviewers in our journal are based on academic benevolence, objectivity of ratings and priority of scientific quality. We are following the principles of Code of Conduct for Editors as defined by the Committee of Publication Ethics (COPE).

 The Editorial Board follows the rules of FAIR PLAY: manuscripts are evaluated for their scientific merits without regard to race, ethnic origin, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief, citizenship or political philosophy of the author.



 The journal will reject any materials that don’t meet the anti-plagiarism requirements!

 In accordance with the Provisions on the system for prevention and detection of academic plagiarism in scientific and academic papers of the staff and students of V.N. Karazin National University, the Editorial Board checks the articles admitted for publication for absence of academic plagiarism.

 Regarded as varieties of plagiarism are:

  • copying and publishing another person’s work as one’s own;
  • the word-for-word transcription of text fragments (from a sentence to a group of sentences) of another person’s work without quotation marks and citing the source.
  • making minor amendments in the copied material (rewording sentences, changing arrangement of words, etc.) without quotation marks and citing the source;
  • excessive use of paraphrasing (rewording of something written by someone else) without citing the source.

 The main system for plagiarism detection is Strikeplagiarism.com.




The journal is indexed and/or abstracted in the international scientometric, full-text and abstract databases:

Google Scholar;

Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine.