Information For Authors

Submission Guidelines

When submitting a manuscript, an author must confirm that it meets all the requirements stated below. Manuscripts that do not satisfy the requirements will be returned for improvement.


This manuscript has never been published or submitted for publication to other journals (or there are necessary explanations given in the comments for the editor below).

The submitted file is a document in both MS Word and RTF formats.

Internet links in the text contain full and correct URLs.

The text meets the requirements for presentation, style and bibliography set out in the author guidelines below.


The journal publishes materials that deal with methods of (Ukrainian and foreign) language teaching in higher educational institutions, principles of writing textbooks and tutorials, teaching language aspects and place of culturology in the process of teaching foreign languages, and intersubject relations.

Language of publication: Ukrainian, English.

An article must contain the following elements: “a statement of a problem and its connection with important scientific or practical tasks; analysis of recent studies and publications dealing with the problem and serving as a basis for the author’s research; isolation of previously unsolved parts of a general problem; problem statement; presentation of the main material with comprehensive substantiation of the results; conclusions and perspectives of further research of the issue (Bulletin of the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine No1, 2003).


Formatting requirements

  1. The UDC index should be typed in the left top corner before the title in 12 pt.
  2. The title should be typed in 14 pt, ALL CAPS, bold, centered, no full stop.
  3. The author’s surname and initials followed by their academic degree and city name in brackets (and country for foreign authors) after comma are typed in the next paragraph in 14 pt, bold, centered, 1 spacing, in the article’s language.
  4. An annotation in the same language as the article is typed in the next paragraph in 12 pt, 1 spacing. Length: in English – no less than 2000 characters without spaces and no more than 2100; in Ukrainian or Russian – no less than 1800 characters without spaces and no more than 2000.

    Annotations should contain a brief statement of topicality, aim, methods of research, main results and conclusions.
  5. Annotations in two different languages (Ukrainian or English) are typed in the next paragraph in 12 pt, 1 spacing. They are preceded by the surnames and initials of the authors, and the title of the article in the article’s language (new paragraph, indent, bold, justified).
  6. Each annotation is followed by key words in alphabetical order (no more than 5) preceded by an indent and the words “Key words” in 12 pt, bold, starting with the capital letter and ending in a colon.
  7. The body text is typed without automatic hyphenation; 14 pt, 1,5 spacing, left, top, bottom margins – 2,5, right – 1; justified; indent – 1.25. If you use special fonts, symbols, illustrations or tables (in MS Word), please enclose them in separate files. Dashes (–) and hyphens (-) are differentiated.
  8. Illustrative language material should be given in italics.
  9. According to an order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, an article must contain substantiation of the topic, a level of its development, actuality, and purpose of analysis, problem statement, conclusions and perspectives of further research. All these elements should be given in bold. Sample of formatting see in Supplement 1.
  10. Text references are given in square brackets in accordance with the enumeration of the list of references, e.g.  [1: 35] where a first number is an ordinal and a second one is a number of the cited page.
  11. The reference list should be placed at the end part of the article starting with the word LITERATURE typed in bold capital letters without left indent. An enumerated list of cited works in the alphabetical order of their authors and titles (12 pt, 1 spacing) drawn in accordance with the standards of the Higher Attestation Commission should be given below. A list of sources of the illustrative material could be provided if necessary. The list of references must include sources published within the last five years, as well as references to scholarly publications indexed in the scientometric bases Scopus and/or Web of Science. The references should contain DOI if assigned. An example of a formatted article see in the Supplement.
  12. To be included in scientometric databases, the list of references should be presented twice: first, according to the requirements of the Higher Attestation Commission, as LITERATURE (for an article in English) and then, according to the international standards, as REFERENCES.

           An example of references see in the Supplement.

When citing in Cyrillic it is necessary to give the author’s (official) English title of an article (or other publication) and the authors’ names or if not available transliterate the names and titles.

Titles of periodicals (journals) should be presented according to their official ISSN titles in Roman script (can be checked out at a journal’s site or in an academic online database (, Academic periodicals of Ukraine and many others).

References must include DOI if assigned.

We recommend you to transliterate articles’ titles automatically using sites (for Russian)      and (for Ukrainian).

  1. The block of references is followed in the next paragraph by information about the authors (indent, 12 pt, 1 spacing, justified) in three languages (Ukrainian, Russian and English) as follows: surname, name, patronymic (in full, bold), academic degree, academic rank, position, place of work (department, university), postal address of their university, city and postal code including (and the country for foreign authors), author’s e-mail and ORCID ID (in ordinary font).

     14. The length of a paper should be 10 to 12 pages.

      15. The article should be sent to the Editorial  Board by e-mail to in .doc format (MS Word for Windows, version 6.0, 7.0) and backed up   with a file in .rtf format.

       16. The electronic manuscript should be without pagination.

       17. When submitting your article, you should enclose a scanned first page with the statement: “The article [Title of the article] does not contain plagiarism” and your signature to verify the absence of plagiarism.

        18. Information about the author(s) should be also enclosed in a separate file including: surname, name, patronymic (in full), academic degree, rank, position, place of work, contact phone, postal and e-mail addresses, and ОRCID ID.Authors without academic degrees should also enclose a review by a candidate of science or a doctor of science.


The Editorial Board reserves the right to reject articles that do not meet the above requirements.

An example of a formatted article see in Supplement 1.

 Articles intended to be included in a December issue should be submitted till Oktober 15, articles intended to be included in a June issue should be submitted till March 1. Articles submitted after the deadlines could be considered for inclusion in a next issue.  

Authors who wish to participate in the annual international scientific and practical conference “Teaching languages at higher educational establishments at the present stage. Intersubject relations” that takes place in the beginning of June should state this in the information about the author. The application for participation in the conference please see in Supplement 2.


Articles are published free of charge. Payment in the amount of UAH 500 is made for services of layout of materials. The payment details are communicated after the approval of the article for printing.

Phone: +380(57)707-55-30


The journal is indexed in DOAJ, Google Scholar, Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, BASE, Crossref, WorldCat.

Information about the journal can be found at



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