Emotive lexical items in the novel «Vielleicht Ester» by Katya Petrovskaya in Ukrainian translation
The article discusses the Ukrainian translation features of the German emotive lexical items – the carrier of human emotions. It was determined that some cultural differences of the German and Ukrainian languages lead to the use of two kinds of techniques while transferring emotive lexical items from German into Ukrainian: theoretically possible ones and techniques, going beyond the theoretically possible. Theoretically possible techniques cover regular (dictionary) equivalents and irregular (contextual and semantic changes) variants; techniques, that go beyond the theoretically possible, are reduced to leveling the emotional context or emotional value of a lexical item in the linguistic context, ignoring the graphic emphasis on emotive lexical items, and also the combination of grammar (changing the order of sentence parts) and lexical (adding somatisms) transformation, antonymous translation with adding modal verbs or lexical-semantic replacements.
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