Some peculiarities in linguistic usage of Pittsburgh Speech through the prism of gender category

  • Катерина Володимирівна Вуколова Alfred Nobel University
Keywords: gender, lexical units, monophthongization, Pittsburgh Speech, speech


The article deals with the peculiarities of the linguistic usage of Pittsburgh Speech (nouns and verbs) in the light of the social category gender. The author has reviewed the concept of «gender» and has analyzed the lexical usage of Pittsburgh citizens in the context of dividing its population into gender identities: women and men. The article reviews the investigations of foreign linguists and it has been noticed that there is a type of definite gender peculiarity in the speech and linguistic usage of the citizens of the given area. Monophthongization is the most widespread phenomenon among the speech characteristics of the citizens in this territory. Considerable distinctions between the sexes in the propensity for this phonetic process are observed. It is notable that among women the tendency for monophthongization is presented only in the group whereas it is presented among men of all age-groups. As a result we can conclude that this phonetic process is characteristics of men in general. There have been given examples of the lexical units (proper and common nouns, verbs), which are widespread in Pittsburgh. The given lexical units are divided into the following sense-groups: group of general usage, sports and fashion vocabulary.


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How to Cite
Вуколова, К. В. (1). Some peculiarities in linguistic usage of Pittsburgh Speech through the prism of gender category. The Journal of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: Foreign Philology. Methods of Foreign Language Teaching, (84), 64-69. Retrieved from