Cognitive modelling of earth / ground conceptual duplex in the english worldview

  • Inna Davydenko V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University
Keywords: concept EARTH / GROUND, conceptual domain, conceptual network, lexical meaning, polysemy, sense, synonymy


This article is performed within cognitive linguistics and reveals the type of the concept as the conceptual duplex. Its conceptual space is formed by two (or more) doublet concepts and verbalised by partially overlapping names the concepts. The properties of the conceptual duplex are represented with the example of the concept EARTH / GROUND. Cognitive modelling of lexical polysemy defines the meanings of the polysemantic nouns earth and ground. These meanings are organised within the conceptual network and distributed between the conceptual domains. The conceptual duplex EARTH / GROUND forms a conceptual base of the concept resting on the internal forms of the two names of the concept “soil, land surface” which constitute its integral and differential parts. The integral part is represented by the meanings: “dry land”, “land surface”, “soil”, “country”, “territory” which are common for EARTH and GROUND. Differential parts EARTH / GROUND are represented by differential meanings.


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How to Cite
Davydenko, I. (2016). Cognitive modelling of earth / ground conceptual duplex in the english worldview. The Journal of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: Foreign Philology. Methods of Foreign Language Teaching, (81), 205-210. Retrieved from