Formation of foreign language communicative competence of non-language specialties students by means of interactive technologies
The article considers the role of interactive technologies of foreign languages teaching as effective innovative technologies that can significantly increase the effectiveness of teaching of non-language specialties students. Interactive technologies correspond to the basic principles of teaching, in particular: the principles of communicative-oriented studying, activity, functionality, situationality and collective interaction. Practical usage of a foreign language allows students to develop the ability to percept speech and master the ability to build sentences, which will allow students to take part in communication and respond adequately to different speech situations. In addition, communication in the learning process helps to overcome the language barrier, allows students to develop professional competencies and intensify the learning process. The author describes some interactive exercises that can be used with students. An experimental research was conducted, which confirmed the effectiveness of active interaction of participants in English studying process and determined the conditions for successful organization of foreign language classes using interactive technologies, as their implementation is not easy even for an experienced teacher and requires careful preparation.
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