Cooperative learning as the means of enhancing the cognitive activity at the English lesson in HEIs

  • Галина Василівна Пристай Educational and Scientific Institute of Foreign Languages
Keywords: didactic tool, research, language education, educational technology, cooperation


This paper focuses on the essence of the technology learning in cooperation as an effective teaching tool in the process of studying the English language at the University. The data indicate the main stages of cooperation and clarify tasks faced by members of the learning process – a student and a teacher. A central issue is in outlining the benefits of cooperative learning highlighting the formation ofmotivational factors, cognitive activities and communicative competence, which determine self-identity of a student.


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How to Cite
Пристай, Г. В. (2019). Cooperative learning as the means of enhancing the cognitive activity at the English lesson in HEIs. The Journal of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: Foreign Philology. Methods of Foreign Language Teaching, 1072(76), 136-140. Retrieved from