Taking empathy as а part of emotional intelligence in teaching Russian.

  • А. О. Гусарчук
  • В. Ю. Косьміна
Keywords: emotional competence, emotional intelligence, empathy, method, technique.


The article deals with the review of the development of empathy concepts and modern approaches to defining nature and forms of an individual’s empathic manifestation. Empathy is a leading social emotion generally defined as an individual’s ability to react emotionally, to respond to experiences of others. The authors emphasize the importance of taking empathy as a part of emotional intelligence into account, which is a key to successful acquisition of Russian for foreigners. The importance of social and psychological training as means of enhancing students’ empathy is substantiated. Techniques of developing emotional intelligence for the formation and evolution of empathy culture are presented. Empathy as communicative property of an individual student helps to resolve various issues and opens new opportunities for more effective impact on the individual to deal with. Formation of students’ empathic culture promotes social and psychological training, thus enhancing competence in the field of communication and interpersonal skills to acquire. Socio-psychological training includes various methods, such as business and role-playing, discussions, etc. It involves acquisition of psychological and pedagogical knowledge in communication, effective communication skills, for example, to get in touch, listen, persuade others and forming attitudes necessary for successful communication, such as readiness to consider the problem from the other side; development of abilities of self-examination, to understand other students; correction system of relations with the outside world. There is a need to develop emotional intelligence of students, those individual’s abilities and traits that are responsible for the extent to which the impact of emotional phenomena will be constructive or destructive. Developing emotional intelligence is inextricably linked to the communicative approach to language learning. The teacher should provide comfortable and effective communication between students in his or her class, using methods, techniques and creating a positive atmosphere that promote cooperation and help develop confidence in students.


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How to Cite
Гусарчук, А. О., & Косьміна, В. Ю. (2017). Taking empathy as а part of emotional intelligence in teaching Russian. Teaching Languages at Higher Educational Establishments at the Present Stage. Intersubject Relations, (29), 27-34. Retrieved from https://periodicals.karazin.ua/language_teaching/article/view/8100