The study of analytical terms in the course “Introduction to Linguistics” for foreign students-philologists

Keywords: analytical term, component, foreign students-philologists, linguistics, model, terminological system.


This article analyzes the analytic terms in the course “Introduction to Linguistics” for foreign students-philologists at the initial stage of training. Productive structural models of terminological expressions have been described. The study found that the value of each component in the formation of multicomponent semantic meaning of the terms are different. Most of them have a semantic value of the reference components of multicomponent terms, considerably less value are dependent components of terms. We can conclude that analytical terms of multicomponent semantic have higher capacitance associated with the increase of their length, which leads to the weakening of the semantic intercomponent valence. The usage of multicomponent terms in our speech can testify the diversity of realizable forms. The recommendations on language teaching methods of the units under analysis have been given. The necessity of creating separate dictionaries of synthetic and analytic linguistic terms for the course “Introduction to Linguistics”has been substantiated. The analysis has shown that the linguistic terminology system is represented by synthetic (single-word) and analytic (phrase) terms. It can be concluded that terminological connections (mainly two-component or three-component) are actively functioning in the system of defining linguistic notions. The latter are an integral element of linguistic texts and perform a nominative function on the level with single-word terminolexemes. When studying professional vocabulary by the students-philologists, special attention should be paid to analytical phrases as modern development of various terminology systems indicates the tendency of increasing a number of analytical terms.

 However, we are convinced that the terminological multicomponent phrases can be found in other sciences but it is impossible to consider a positive phenomenon in terminology as the constructions of four-components and even more are contrary to the principle of terms brevity. Phrase terms are also inconvenient in practical use that is why such connections should be avoided.



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How to Cite
Вержанська, О. М., & Лагута, Т. М. (2016). The study of analytical terms in the course “Introduction to Linguistics” for foreign students-philologists. Teaching Languages at Higher Educational Establishments at the Present Stage. Intersubject Relations, (28), 32-40. Retrieved from