The issues of teaching Russian speech culture to students-inophones

Keywords: inophones, norm, Russian as a foreign language, speech culture, variation.


Some issues of teaching the Russian speech culture to students-inophones have been examined in the article. The difficulties of assimilating Russian speech standards have been described. They are caused not only by interfering influence of the student’s native language system but also by the specifics of Russian language standards, the peculiarities of functioning the Russian literary language in the modern communicative environment.The specified difficulties may be due to such factors as asymmetry of usual and literary norms; wide variability and objective fluctuations of the Russian literary norm; distortion of norms by Russian language speakers whose language students-inophones are learning; current state of the Russian speech culture, and in particular, liberalization of the Russian speech; type of the language environment in which training Russian to foreign students is carried out.The reasons of hindrances in mastering culture of the foreigners’ speech at the high level have been found out. The alternativeness of norms is the integral attribute of any national language owing to objective laws of the language system development. The existence of alternative norms in the language can create for its carriers certain complications in the course of speech communication, in particular, communicants have difficulty in choosing a correct and stylistically-motivated option from the components forming correlative alternative pairs or varieties.The inadequate choice of any alternative form leads to speech mistakes.To eliminate errors in the students’ speech, we suggest to use dictionaries with the norms of a stress and pronunciation; to learn by heart verses and prose, proverbs, sayings, riddles where the word was fixed in a phraseological context and the correct stress is supported by a rhyme and rhythm; to make instructions of words which it is necessary to pay special attention to and remember; stress should be practiced repeatedly.



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How to Cite
Бурякова, О. С., Валіт, О. С., & Лагута, Т. М. (2016). The issues of teaching Russian speech culture to students-inophones. Teaching Languages at Higher Educational Establishments at the Present Stage. Intersubject Relations, (28), 7-14. Retrieved from