Image Competences of a Teacher as a Way to Achieve the Success in Intercultural Communication during the Process of Training Foreign Students the Russian and the Ukrainian Languages

Keywords: higher school teachers’ image, intercultural communication, intercultural competence, modeling of professional image, success in educational process


Image of a higher school teacher, who trains foreign students the Russian and the Ukrainian languages, has been studied in the article; definition of such image has been proposed and it’s components has been identified; features of realized professional modeling by it’s bearer in the context of intercultural communication has been analyzed; ways to avoid conflicts and misunderstanding during intercultural communication has been suggested; necessity to increase teacher’s motivation to modeling and transformation of image as a component of success in the educational process has been actualized.

The article is devoted to the image competence of teachers, training foreign students the Russian and the Ukrainian languages. The components of intercultural communication image includes visual, verbal/non-verbal (speech), behavior. Great attention is paid to the description of the components intercultural communication image. Visual image of the teacher must fit to the requirements of modernity. Verbal and non-verbal components are important to avoid misunderstanding in the process of training. Every student is a representative of a definite mentality and culture. Behavior component singles out 3 styles of communication: male, female and mixed. Each has it’s own characteristics and features, different ways of behavior.

Algorithm of intercultural communication image modeling has been also suggested. The following image competences – aesthetic, ethical, socio-cultural, lingual communicative, pedagogical – must be applied by the teachers dealing with foreign students.

The authors describe actuality of study, analyze the recent works concerning this problem. The object of study is a content of intercultural communication image of the teachers working with foreigners in the multinational group with the purpose to prevent cultural shock and conflicts with foreign students. The object of study determines the novelty of the article. In recent decades a new approach to image learning appeared. This acmeological approach includes indexes of professionalism and competence, ability to self-knowledge and self-development. The conclusion that the disregard of the professional image requirements makes impossible the success of intercultural communication has been made. The purposeful understanding of intercultural communication image formation conduces effective model of interaction between a teacher and a student.


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How to Cite
Куплевацька, Л., & Манівська, Т. (2018). Image Competences of a Teacher as a Way to Achieve the Success in Intercultural Communication during the Process of Training Foreign Students the Russian and the Ukrainian Languages. Teaching Languages at Higher Educational Establishments at the Present Stage. Intersubject Relations, (32), 60-71.

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