Teacher’s professional linguocommunicative competence in the context of intercultural communication

  • Л. Куплевацька Associate Professor, Language Training Department 1, Institute of International Education for Study and Research, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University (61022, Kharkiv, 4 Svoboda Square) http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6384-154X
Keywords: addressee, address, acculturation, speech genre, success in intercultural communication


Linguistic-communicative component of the professional competence of a teacher, who trains Russian for English speaking students-non-philologists at level A 2, have been investigated in the article. In particular, oral speech genre as a stable statement is in the center of attention (by M. Bahtin).One of the more frequency type of genre, which is used in the teacher’s monologues at the lessons – estimating (by T. Shmelyova classification), and one of the genre elements of any speech genre – it’s personification, which is represented in our study by lexical means, using by the teacher for estimating inophones’ class work, have been selected for our research. The results of questioning the teachers, concerning the use of the oral lexical estimating means during the class work in the context of intercultural communication, have been fixed, systematized and analyzed by the author. 54 lexical units of positive and negative estimating of the student’s work in Russian, English as well as in mediator language and some lexemes in 7 languages, more useful in the groups, have been examined. Levels word-word combination – sentence have been singled out and analysis of efficiency of using the concrete lexemes at estimating inophonesʼ work, considering their preparation to understand teacher’s intensions, and their conformity with the demands of intercultural communication have been suggested.  Lexemes, successfully chosen by the teacher, as well as lexemes, which don’t promote efficiency of intercultural communication, complicate the process of training inophones, have been marked. The causes of unsuccessful using of the analyzed linguistic means and ways of increasing the estimation efficiency as a type of the statement have been named.


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How to Cite
Куплевацька, Л. (2019). Teacher’s professional linguocommunicative competence in the context of intercultural communication. Teaching Languages at Higher Educational Establishments at the Present Stage. Intersubject Relations, (34), 79-92. https://doi.org/10.26565/2073-4379-2019-34-06