Legal discourse as a model of institutional discourse

Keywords: discourse, institutional discourse, juridical discourse, juridical text, legal discourse


The article considers the problem of studying legal discourse as one of institutional ones. A model of institutional discourse is defined as well as its characteristic features. The article presents various approaches to interpretation of legal discourse, the author and the recipient as its immediate participants are described. Special attention is paid to differential features of the legal text due to the multivaluedness of semantics and extralingual factors which play an important part in reception of legal documents. Dominant features of legal discourse are singled out – texts of judicial documents and their language which includes the language of legislation and by-laws, the language of legal science and education and so on. Based on the analysis of coherent relations between legal texts, such types of coherence were represented: thematic, iconic, definitive, verification, inferential.


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How to Cite
Руднєва, І. С. (2018). Legal discourse as a model of institutional discourse. The Journal of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: Foreign Philology. Methods of Foreign Language Teaching, (87), 85-91.