Analysis of peculiarities of constructivist textbook of English for teaching future tourism managers

Keywords: constructivist English textbook, experiential learning activities, principles of teaching/learning


The article analyzes the structural peculiarities of the textbook being developed for teaching English to university students who major in tourism. The textbook is designed following the constructivist approach to professional English training of students. The components of every thematic unit of the textbook are considered. Principles of constructivist ESP training are analyzed and the experiential learning activities underlying the textbook-based constructivist course of English for future tourism managers are discussed. 


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How to Cite
Тарнопольський, О. Б. (2017). Analysis of peculiarities of constructivist textbook of English for teaching future tourism managers. The Journal of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: Foreign Philology. Methods of Foreign Language Teaching, (85), 158-163.