Comparative analysis of the collocation structure of specialized terminological expressions (a case study of NATO, WTO, UN documents)
This article presents a comparative analysis of a number of collocations selected from NATO, WTO and the UN documents. We consider thematic specialization of international terminology; there are some common and distinctive features of three lexicographical layers. On the basis of a common word-collocate variants of English idiomatic stable expressions and versions of their translation into Ukrainian are given. Idiomatic combinations found in official NATO documents play a significant role in military intercultural communication. The WTO terminology is an important factor of international trade cooperation. Stable terminological combination selected from the UN documents are a the most significant security, cultural, educational and environmental communication factor. Therefore, reliable and high-quality translation of specialized terms of these international organizations is particularly important in terms of geopolitical changes and intercultural cooperation. Qualitatively formed collocation dictionaries with specialized terms of NATO, WTO, UN, the information received as a result of the processing of documents will provide an opportunity to develop military, aviation, trade and economic cooperation and security cooperation at a higher level. This study can be considered as the basis for the formation of comparative collocations thesaurus as a special application to the subcorpus of the RNC (Russian National Corpus), in which the translation from English into Ukrainian is carried out, and vice versa.
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