Individualization of the concept WAR in the individual discourse of Ernest Hemingway

  • Любов Ярославівна Брославська V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University
Keywords: American literary discourse, cognitive sign, concept WAR, Ernest Hemingway, individual discourse, transformation


The article focuses on the transformations of the cognitive signs of the concept WAR in the individual discourse of E. Hemingway in comparison with the American literary discourse of the 1920s – 1960s. Variation of the collective vs the individual is certified by the specificity of notional, evaluative and image components of the concept. The notional component of the concept WAR that contains typical, logically ordered information is a subject of quantitative and structural transformations in the writer’s individual conceptual sphere in comparison with the corresponding concept of the American construal of the world, which serves as the basis for the formation of the individualized concept WAR. Transformations of the evaluative-image component of the concept WAR in the individual discourse of E. Hemingway concern certain nominative means and the frequency of their use for objectifying the nature of a military conflict, which differs from the generally accepted one in the American language construal of the world. The linguo-cultural concept WAR serves as the key forming discourse concept in the individual discourse of E. Hemingway and underlies the development of discourse meanings. For E. Hemingway as a representative of the «lost generation» WAR accumulates military and tragic attitude of the pacifist-writer. 


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How to Cite
Брославська, Л. Я. (2017). Individualization of the concept WAR in the individual discourse of Ernest Hemingway. The Journal of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: Foreign Philology. Methods of Foreign Language Teaching, (85), 65-71.