The Specific Features of Translating Exotic Words in Post-Colonial Literary Work
This research focuses on the translation of exotic words from S. Rushdie’s famous novel “Midnight Children” into Ukrainian and Russian. Post-colonial literature is widely recognized to be of special interest for the theory of translation. The general issues of its analysis concern the metaphoric link between post-colonial literature and translation, while the concrete issues are presented by the problems of its translation, including the problem of rendering exotic words. Exotic words – words-realities and barbarisms – are proper to post-colonial literature as they perform the important function of marking the author’s discourse culturally. In the translation theory perspective the exotic words from the novel under study have been subjected to analysis in the translations of this novel into Ukrainian and Russian. The results of the research show that in most cases the translators reconstitute the function of these words rendering them by usual or occasional transcoded equivalents-barbarisms or creating transcoded equivalents-neologisms. A less typical use of equivalents / functional analogues – native words or assimilated borrowings – is indicative of the translator’s failure in rendering the cultural discoursive function of exotic words.
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