English Language Economic Terminological Subsystem As An Object Of Organized Communicative Activity
In this article there are described peculiarities of professional vocabulary to optimize English language communication of a specialized field. The object of the research is professional terminological subsystem of economics, the subject – methods of creating communicative activity in order to use these terms in speech. The researched sources are balance sheets, income statements, presentations, contracts, income tax returns and other authentic ones from the sphere of economics. There are analyzed the tendencies of borrowings in the English language into an economic terminological subsystem from other professions in view of teaching English for business and economics (EBE). For such a purpose the prospects of the research might be the development of methods of sorting out and presenting academic materials, considering that the constituent of the professional norm is harmonization of the form and the notion, which are integrated into professional lexis and indirectly into its teaching methods and monitoring in order to build English Language professional skills in this area of responsibility.
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