Peculiarities of expressing negative emotions by means of nonverbal communication (the gender aspect)

  • Світлана Андріївна Віротченко V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University
Keywords: the gender aspect, kinesics, nonverbal communication, negative emotions, prosody, proxemics, the emotional factor


The article covers the investigation of peculiarities of expressing negative emotions in men’s and women’s nonverbal behavior. The emotional factor has a great influence on usage of nonverbal communicative components as expression of emotions is an essential part of the communicative act and characterizes not only the emotional state of the speaker, but also his attitude to the listener. In its turn nonverbal behavior of communicants is influenced by gender relations, their role in society is determined by a certain culture and corresponds gender stereotypes accepted in this society. There have been distinguished such groups of negative emotions as anger / rage, fear / nervousness, resentment / offence, despair and means of their nonverbal expression, influenced by the gender aspect. The analysis is carried out on the material of English novels.


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How to Cite
Віротченко, С. А. (1). Peculiarities of expressing negative emotions by means of nonverbal communication (the gender aspect). The Journal of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: Foreign Philology. Methods of Foreign Language Teaching, (84), 40-44. Retrieved from