Speech Act of Hinting from the Perspective View of Historical Pragmatics
The article analyzes the speech act of hinting on the material of German dialogical discourse of the 11th – early 18th century. The paper considers the speech act of hinting as speech cooperation between speaker and addressee in discourse resulting in mutual construction of an intended implicit proposition, i.e. hint. The crucial features of the speech act of hinting include obligatory realization of implicit proposition and intendedness because in the situation of hinting speaker always has an additional perlocutionary goal to make the addresse to reconstruct the hint. The article focuses on the diachronic perspective in analyzing this communicative phenomenon, investigating its constant and variable features, study of the earliest possible sources up to the Baroque epoch inclusive. With the help of the explanatory potential of historical pragmatics the study results in revealing constant and variable features of the speech act of hinting. The constant features include its crucial pragmatic and discursive features, the variable ones deal with linguistic specifics of Althochdeutsch, Mittelhochdeutsch, addressing forms etc.
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