Graduality in lexical semantics of L1 and L2: a case for “layman” in English and Russian

  • Valery Mykhaylenko Interregional Academy of Personnel Management
Keywords: cognitive semantics, gradation, inter-contrastive semantics, lexeme, lexical semantics, scalarity, translation


 Lexical semantics lays the basis for a further pragmasemantic research of the lexeme meaning initiating a lexeme integral description in discourse structure. Contrastive semantics on the cross-language level requires revealing a cross-cultural component in the lexeme of L1 and L2. The introduction of graduality as a lexeme value content measuring instrument made possible to construct a system with a common semantic component which undergoes its change in accordance with a position on the vertical axis. The English lexeme ‘layman’ and its Russian corresponding lexeme ‘diletant’ constitute their own subsystems with a common semantic component the value of which varies due to the position of the lexeme on the gradual vertical axis. In time, some meanings of the lexeme develop into a term of the religious lexicon in both languages.


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How to Cite
Mykhaylenko, V. (1). Graduality in lexical semantics of L1 and L2: a case for “layman” in English and Russian. The Journal of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: Foreign Philology. Methods of Foreign Language Teaching, (84), 26-32. Retrieved from