Psycholinguistic nature of communicative leadership: Gestalt-analysis
The present paper looks at the problem of communicative leadership as represented in the English literary dialogue. The problem is studied from the point of view of the communicative leader’s speech organization and focused on the syntactic peculiarities of the latter. The communicative leadership is understood in the work as a specific social role of the interlocutor in the process of the dialogue intercourse. The communicative leader is defined as a speaker who in most cases realizes his/her communicative intention in speech interaction with other people. He does not only pose him/herself as a leader of the conversation, but is also taken in as such by other participants of the dialogue. The authors develop G. Lakoff’s ideas as to the possibilities of applying the principles of Gestalt theory to the syntax of dialogue speech, build up a multi-dimensional model of the communicative leader’s speech in the linguistic framework of syntax and single out a winning syntactic speech code of a typical communicative leader.
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