Cognitive classification of gesture-verbal utterances (case study of the American entertaining television interview)

  • Олена Вікторівна Максименко V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University
  • Алла Петрівна Мартинюк V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University
Keywords: communication, gesture-verbal utterance, emotional sphere of consciousness, referent, rational sphere of consciousness, sub-consciousness


The article develops the hypothesis that gesture and speech constitute an integrated mechanism of generating of meaning. It also suggests that this phenomenon should be analysed in terms of gesture-verbal utterances containing gesture and speech components and functioning as a unit of the online communicative process. The results of the pilot studies underpinned with the cognitive linguistics methodological assumptions prompt the classification of the gesture-verbal utterances according to the sphere of human consciousness / sub-consciousness, which basically stipulates their production and interpretation as rational (ontological and axiological knowledge), emotional (emotions) and suggestive (sub-consciousness). In accordance with their communicative / meta-communicative functions, gesture-verbal utterances fall into narrative (as they activate information about the referents of the narrative based on ontological and axiological knowledge) and metanarrative (as they organize communication process and rely on lingual-ethological knowledge). Rational narrative gesture-verbal utterances can be of classifying or qualifying nature depending on the information they provide: helping to identify/classify the referents of the narrative (ontological knowledge) or assess the referents in terms of «good – bad» quality (axiological knowledge). Rational narrative gesture-verbal utterances are further classified on the basis of the semiotic principle governing the activation of the information about the referents into deictic (pointing to the referent), iconic (depicting the referent) and symbolic (standing for the referent). In accordance with the image-realistic or image-schematic principle of depicting the referent, gesture-verbal utterances are defined as literal and metaphoric. 


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How to Cite
Максименко, О. В., & Мартинюк, А. П. (1). Cognitive classification of gesture-verbal utterances (case study of the American entertaining television interview). The Journal of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: Foreign Philology. Methods of Foreign Language Teaching, (84), 6-16. Retrieved from