CELEBRITY as a radial category

  • Владислав Валерійович Кукушкін V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University
Keywords: derivative subcategory, idealized cognitive model, prototype, radial category


The article proves that encyclopaedic knowledge actualized by the celebrity lexeme in the English media discourse is structured as a radial conceptual category. The radial conceptual category CELEBRITY is based on the prototype formed by the attributes of a cluster of idealized cognitive models. The prototype attributes motivate the formation of the derivative subcategories viewed as deviations from the central model. 


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1. ET = Evening Times (Glasgow, Scotland).

2. G = The Guardian (London, England).

3. FT = Financial Times (London, England).

4. MS = Morning Star (London, England). 5. NI = National Interest [Electronic resource]. – Access : http://www.nationalinterest.org/Article.aspx?id=16012: Jan.

6. NL = News Letter (Belfast, Northern Ireland).

7. NYT = New York Times (New York, the USA). 8. Sn = The Sun (London, England). 9. T = The Times (London, England). 10. WS = Weekly Standard (Washington, the USA).


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ET – Evening Times (Glasgow, Scotland).

G – The Guardian (London, England).

FT – Financial Times (London, England).

MS – Morning Star (London, England).

NI – National Interest. Available at: http://www.nationalinterest.org/
Article.aspx?id=16012: Jan.

NL – News Letter (Belfast, Northern Ireland).

NYT – New York Times (New York, the USA).

Sn – The Sun (London, England).

T – The Times (London, England).

WS – Weekly Standard (Washington, the USA).
How to Cite
Кукушкін, В. В. (2016). CELEBRITY as a radial category. The Journal of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: Foreign Philology. Methods of Foreign Language Teaching, (81), 225-229. Retrieved from https://periodicals.karazin.ua/foreignphilology/article/view/5364