Comic images of jester and clown in dialogical relations

Keywords: carnivalization, clown, dialogism, identification, jester


The problem of identification of comic personalities of jester and clown in dialogical relations is described in the article. The following types of dialogic relations are considered: Clown and Clown, Clown and Audience, Clown and Journalists, Clown and Self. A profound analysis of functional characteristics of the two personalities has been provided, their main characteristics are highlighted.The main characteristics of comic personalities of jester and clown are provided: theatricality, empty identity, carnivalization and linguistic paradox. Means of implementing the communicative types of jester and clown in verbal and nonverbal areas have been stated.


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How to Cite
Тарасова, С. О. (2016). Comic images of jester and clown in dialogical relations. The Journal of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: Foreign Philology. Methods of Foreign Language Teaching, (81), 163-170. Retrieved from