Holo-meronymic structures in the system of spatial lexicon of contemporary English

  • Наталя Вікторівна Кузьменко Dniprodzerzhynsk State Technical University
Keywords: meronym, spatial lexicon, semantic relations, holo-meronymic structure, holonym


The article deals with the problem of holo-meronymic structures elicitation in the system of meronymic lexemes with spatial meaning in contemporary English. Meronymic semantic relations cover an extensive lexical-semantic field of names for the parts of space. The field is of complex organization. It includes a number of peculiar groups which denote different types of space. There is only one hierarchically organized group among them – the names for the parts of perceptual space. The most branching and deep meronymic structures are formed by the names of functional space parts denoting those space areas which are closest to man in his everyday life.


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How to Cite
Кузьменко, Н. В. (2016). Holo-meronymic structures in the system of spatial lexicon of contemporary English. The Journal of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: Foreign Philology. Methods of Foreign Language Teaching, (81), 40-48. Retrieved from https://periodicals.karazin.ua/foreignphilology/article/view/5339