Types of full creolization of advertising texts

  • Тетяна Андріївна Безугла V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University
Keywords: advertising, creolized text, full creolization, implicature, non-verbal component, slogan


The article deals with establishing special aspects of interrelation between verbal and non-verbal components of advertising texts with full creolization. Two types of interrelation between verbal and non-verbal components are distinguished – with predominance of the picture and with predominance of the slogan. In the first case, the emphasis is laid on the picture which performs the functions of adding information to the slogan, interpreting its meaning, building a phrasal unity with it. In the second case, the slogan bears the main emphasis, implicatures are constructed on the basis of the propositional relation between verbal and non-verbal components.


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How to Cite
Безугла, Т. А. (2016). Types of full creolization of advertising texts. The Journal of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: Foreign Philology. Methods of Foreign Language Teaching, (81), 35-39. Retrieved from https://periodicals.karazin.ua/foreignphilology/article/view/5338