Innovative approaches to development of foreign-language vocabulary: the role of modern digital tools in distance learning

Keywords: artificial intelligence, digital tools, electronic dictionary, foreign language, higher education, innovative approaches, mobile applications, teaching method


The contemporary era is marked by the extensive digitalization of society, leading to notable impacts on the educational sphere and the emergence of new challenges. Digital technologies offer vast opportunities for modernizing the educational process and ensuring educational accessibility. Integrating digital tools into education enables personalized learning, and customization of programs to students’ needs, and enhances training effectiveness. Nevertheless, the ever-evolving nature of digital technologies necessitates a continuous search for efficient utilization methods, particularly in distance education, making the presented research relevant. This paper aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of fundamental digital tools and resources currently available, which can be employed or adapted for developing the lexical aspect of foreign language communicative competence among higher education students, particularly within the framework of distance education. The work highlights the functions of using digital technologies in education and their advantages in developing foreign language lexical skills. The paper presents an analysis of various available digital resources, including electronic dictionaries, websites, mobile applications, and AI-based review tools. These methods of utilizing digital resources in language learning within higher education can enhance students’ mastery of vocabulary and overall educational quality. The results of a comprehensive analysis of basic digital technologies prove the effectiveness of electronic digital resources in teaching foreign languages at the higher education level.


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Author Biography

Anastasiia Chernenko, Associate Professor in V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

PhD in Education


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How to Cite
Chernenko, A. (2024). Innovative approaches to development of foreign-language vocabulary: the role of modern digital tools in distance learning. The Journal of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: Foreign Philology. Methods of Foreign Language Teaching, (99), 141-147.