Criteria and Indicators of Foreign Language Teachers’ Soft Communicative Skills

  • Anastasiia Zhytnytska Seniour Lecturer at Department of Foreign Languages for Professional Purposes in V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University
Keywords: effective teaching, foreign language teachers, soft skills, soft communicative skills


The article explores the crucial role of soft communicative skills for English language teachers, emphasizing their significance within the broader framework of soft skills essential for effective teaching. It highlights that beyond simply transmitting information, teachers must engage, inspire, and connect with students on various levels, employing both verbal and non-verbal cues, active listening, adaptability, and creating a supportive learning environment. It stresses the importance of these skills in addressing modern trends in education, particularly in Ukraine’s efforts to foster a multicultural environment for Euro integration processes. The research tasks outlined include clarifying the terminological framework, characterizing soft communication skills as a component of soft skills, and highlighting the importance of obtaining these skills. Theoretical foundations from various fields such as philology, psychology, sociology, and pedagogy are examined to provide insight into the complexity of communication as a scientific issue. The study identifies promising prospects in improving curricula and courses in foreign language teaching, stimulating further scholarly work in the field, and enhancing pedagogical practice. It emphasizes that soft communication skills are essential not only for the work of foreign language teachers but also for the functioning of the entire educational institution. The article presents a comprehensive list of criteria and indicators of foreign language teachers’ soft communication skills, including emotional intelligence, proficiency in the foreign language, communicative skills, and personal effectiveness. These criteria serve as a basis for further research into the methods and conditions for developing these essential skills in future foreign language teachers. The study highlights the significance of soft communicative skills for foreign language teachers and underscores the need for continued research and development in this area to enhance pedagogical practice and improve the quality of foreign language instruction.


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Author Biography

Anastasiia Zhytnytska, Seniour Lecturer at Department of Foreign Languages for Professional Purposes in V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

PhD in Pedagogy


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How to Cite
Zhytnytska, A. (2024). Criteria and Indicators of Foreign Language Teachers’ Soft Communicative Skills. The Journal of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: Foreign Philology. Methods of Foreign Language Teaching, (99), 102-108.