Linguistic tools of manipulation in russian language translations Of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 and its “Sisters” resolutions

Keywords: 1325 sister’s resolutions, directions of the linguistic manipulations, gender equality, gender policy, hybrid war, international human rights documents, legal discurs, UN Security Council Resolution 132


One of the ways to clarify national terminology and to enshrine correct definitions of concepts related to various aspects of gender issues in the legal framework is using the official translations of international documents on women’s rights and gender equality in Ukrainian language. The issue of the correctness of translations of international documents in general and in the field of human rights and gender equality in particular is not only an important subject of scientific research, but also has great practical significance in the context of Russia’s hybrid war against Ukraine. Russian language is an official language of the UN. All documents from the working languages of the UN General Assembly (English and French) are translated into Russian and used by regional international organisations, as well as by countries beside the russian federation where this language has status of the official or state language. In addition, many translations of international documents into Ukrainian have been made using Russian translations as basis. This also applies to such important documents in the field of women’s rights and gender equality as UN Security Council Resolution 1325 “Women. Peace. Security” and related Security Council resolutions, in particular, 1888, 2467, 2493 and others. Based on a comparative analysis of the original texts of the above-mentioned UN Security Council resolutions and their russian translations, the article offers a classification of directions of linguistic manipulation in the translation of documents, illustrated by specific examples; draws conclusions about the consequences and impact of the using of incorrect translations on the policy of ensuring women’s rights and gender equality at both the international and national levels; offers recommendations for identifying linguistic manipulation during translation process.


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Author Biography

Olga Dunebabina

postgraduate student at the National Academy of the Security Service of Ukraine


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How to Cite
Dunebabina, O. (2024). Linguistic tools of manipulation in russian language translations Of UN Security Council Resolution 1325 and its “Sisters” resolutions. The Journal of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: Foreign Philology. Methods of Foreign Language Teaching, (99), 63-75.