Representation of female relationships in domestic discourse: pragmastilistic aspect

  • Lydia Pichtownikowa Department of German Philology and Translation, at the Department of Oriental Languages and Intercultural Communication of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University; Professor at the Department of Applied Linguistics of M. Ye. Zhukovsky National Aerospace University “Kharkiv Aviation Institute”
  • Victoria Rudenko Master’s degree from the Department of Oriental Languages and Intercultural Communication at V. N. Karazin National University
Keywords: Chinese-language female discourse, domestic discourse, gender, strategies and tactics of female discourse


This article analyzes the peculiarities of the reflection of female relations in Chinese-language domestic discourse on the material of stories and novels of the 20th-21st centuries. The concepts of «contact» and «discourse» were analyzed, the characteristic features of female contact in domestic discourse were revealed, a number of strategies and tactics used during female domestic discourse were investigated. It was found out that the discourse as a fundamental category of modern linguistics combines linguistic and social features of speech. The least structured type of discourse is the discourse of everyday speech communication that occurs in the form of oral conversation. The main feature of domestic discourse is its communicative orientation and proximity to everyday language. Family communication, in which each person is immersed, forms the so-called «family language», which forms a certain linguistic behavior of the person, features of speech, intonation and emotional coloring. In constructing the female character Chinese authors often turn to metaphorization, comparisons, contextual periphrases, metonymy and paremy (chenyu, yanyu, suyu, guanyunyu), among which the picture of the external attractiveness of women prevails, comparing her to the moon, the flower, the jade, the goddess, the unclean force. In depicting female discourse the authors turn to the means of gradation (climax and anticlimax), anaphora, use all kinds of exclamations, appeals, particles, resort to the expressive possibilities of root morphemes. Having studied the tactics and strategies used by women during everyday communication, we found that the dominant strategies are assertion, persuasion, proof and argumentation. When deploying conflict communication, women pay special attention to the strategies of accommodation, avoidance, cooperation, competition. It was revealed that women's language differs from men's in its greater expressiveness, the extensive use of exclamations and particles to increase emotional coloring, and a large concentration of emotionally evaluative vocabulary. We consider the studies of the composition of women’s domestic discourse and its synergy, based on the interaction of the objectives of the discourse and its constitutional limitations are the continuation of these studies.


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How to Cite
Pichtownikowa , L., & Rudenko, V. (2022). Representation of female relationships in domestic discourse: pragmastilistic aspect. The Journal of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: Foreign Philology. Methods of Foreign Language Teaching, (95), 36-43.