The category of intertextuality vs. avant-text
The article deals with the comparison of intertextuality as the category of the text and folklore avant-text. The category of intertextuality underlies the processes of the text formation and perception. This study suggests the model of this category, the basis of which is supported by the text affinity to social parameters, and is preconditioned by metatextual element, which are peculiar for the text of a particular discourse. The latter predetermines the style and the genre of the text to be produced that imposes the speaker to use particular topics, structures and language means. Avant-text is regarded as the category of intertextuality of folklore texts. Its model is elaborated on the same basis and it includes such metatextual elements of folklore tradition such as variability, improvisation, syncretism, esthetic method, etc. These peculiarities make it possible to split avant-text and the category of intertextuality and consider them as individual phenomena. The analysis of folklore texts of different genres reveals the following differences: unlike other types of discourse, folklore discourse restricts the use of folklore texts in time and space and predetermines the genre and functions; the precedent in the formation of any folklore text is the stereotype that reflects the world view of the nation, while the precedent of the texts of other genres is represented by the texts of individual authors which can be traced back; the avant-text completely differs in the category of completeness in terms of the absence of finalized variants of folklore texts existing only in the form of invariants; the analysis of stylistic means indicates that the freedom of choice of language means in the process of folklore text formation is limited by the existing set of imposed language means.
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