Category of intentionality in carnivalized media space (a case study of American TV show ‘Saturday Night Live’)
This article is a study of instantiation of linguistic category of intentionality in carnivalized media space. The concept of modern media space is analyzed in the aspect of its carnivalization. An analysis of manifestations of the category of intentionality in modern American humorous TV show 'Saturday Night Live' is carried out. We understand media space as a variety of communicative space that covers several environments that shape new conditions of modern life (technosphere, infosphere, socioinfosphere). Modern media space includes carnivalization processes which constitute the carnival-masquerade environment characteristic of it. Information flows in the media space are directed at the addressee: they contain the basic intention to influence them, and this impact is large-scale because it reaches a wide audience. We treat intention as an element of the category of intentionality instantiated in carnivalized media space. It is also a communicative intention of the speaker, which may differ from their real intentions. The addressee can recognize the true intention of the addressee; it depends on the theme of discourse and the type of communicative situation, the psychological state and general awareness of the recipient. We consider macro-intention (entertaining) as the main purpose of the show, which determines stylistic and genre characteristics of the message, and micro-intention – local aims of utterances. We single out the following micro-intentions: negative assessment of intellectual abilities, an attempt to get closer to the audience, an attempt of self-justification, demonstration of the audience's stance, demonstration of personal attitude, attempt to damage the image, an attempt to avoid response. This analysis is an attempt to study instantiations of the category of intentionality in the carnivalized media space by identifying its key elements – macro- and micro intentions, which are characteristic of single episodes of the TV show, throwing light on the images of major political figures of the United States.
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