Carnival violation of stereotypic norms as a way to eco-consciousness (based on the English-language animated discourse "Zootopia")
The article focuses on the problem of carnival violation of simplified and generalized ideas about the world in the English-language animated discourse of the film "Zootopia". The question of carnival violation of stereotypes is for the first time studied in terms of ecological or non-ecological impact on consciousness. The article consistently considers the problems of development of ecological consciousness; stereotype as a tangible result of the processes of simplification and generalization in the common consciousness of people which prevents the development of "healthy" interaction between people and with the natural world. In what way animation discourse: embodies the features of the carnival defined by M. Bakhtin; exposes the shortcomings of people through the prism of stereotypes about animals and due to its paradoxical nature helps to establish the ecological norm. The material of the English-language animated discourse of the film "Zootopia" examines cooperation of carnival elements: ambivalence, universality, grotesqueness, symbolism and corporeality with verbal and nonverbal modes, and their influence on infraction and ridicule of stereotypes; how in the result of the carnival violation of stereotypical norms a new ecological norm is formed, which contributes to the ecoliteracy increase in society, encourages to solve environmental problems and promotes the establishment of "healthy" relationships with nature and its phenomena.
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