Evolution of the image-symbol in the discourse of fables from a systemic point of view
The article investigates the image-symbol nature of the discourse of fables and other small genres, characterizes its evolution. It has been described the essence of the image-symbol, its appearance as a generalization of the features of the characters in the fable. The depth of generalization can vary; depending on this fact, images-symbols are divided into complete (found mainly in fables of previous centuries) and incomplete ones, which create for the addressee only the direction in which he generalizes himself them. Incomplete images-symbols are formed in such constructions of fables, in which symbolization occurs in stages, by constructing several plots; each subsequent plot is more and more abstract and related to the previous ones not by characters, but only by analogies and associations. Fables with an incomplete image-symbol are based on implicit elements that are not expressed in the text, but are implied. It is clarified that the image-symbol of the fable is a complex system with oppositional characteristics, and the unfinished image-symbol is the pinnacle of the evolution of the image-symbols in the fable, the ideal end result (IFR). The object disappears (the image-symbol turns into a virtual state), but its function is fully fulfilled. To concretize the conclusions of the study, the article provides examples of fables with a completed and incomplete image-symbol, in which possible ways of generalization (completion) of these images become clear. Further functioning and development of the image-symbol is possible in intertexts, as part of other artistic genres. The prospect of this work is the study of the evolution of artistic images in other small satirical genres, the study of their dual purpose: to generalize and designate negative features, characteristics of people, society.
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