Cognitive Operations in Discourse of German Folk Tales

Keywords: cognitive operations, discourse, interpreter, mapping, text concept


The article provides an overview of the main approaches to studying cognitive operations in discourse of German folk tales (Volkssage in German) based preliminary on works by R. Langacker, Kövecses Z., and G. Lakoff. It describes two paradigms in cognitive operations. The first of the mentioned ones uses cognitive mapping to study German folk tales, the second one preserves usage of cognitive operations based on cognitive grammar: specificity, focusing, prominence, and perspective. The paper gives a detailed description of the presented cognitive operations and describes their unique features in the discourse of German folk tales in relation to the SUPERNATURAL text concept. The used cognitive operations based on the fundamentals of cognitive grammar and the given description of different types of mapping build an instrument of producing and handling the folklore discourse. The following types of mapping are taken into consideration: the attributive, the relative, the situative, the substitutive, and the contrastive ones. The attributive, the relative, and the situative, types of mapping are typical for different types of metaphor. The substitutive mapping occurs when metonymy and periphrases are used. The contrastive mapping is a companion when means of oxymoron, antithesis, hyperbole and zeugma are used. The article proves that the genre of German folk tales can count most of the types of the fictive projecting which are to be found in cognitive operations of mapping and that they are making the cognitive mechanism of the folklore discourse more precise. The two paradigms of cognitive operations described in the article (mapping and cognitive operations based on the cognitive grammar) complement each other and provide a deeper understanding of the cognitive base of the German folk tales.


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How to Cite
Бучіна, К. В. (2020). Cognitive Operations in Discourse of German Folk Tales. The Journal of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: Foreign Philology. Methods of Foreign Language Teaching, (90), 42-47.