Implementation of a Student-Centred Approach for ESL Teaching

Keywords: higher level thinking skills, speech skills and habits, student-centred approach


The article addresses the problem of the formation of students’ speech skills and habits in the course of ESL teaching within the framework of a student-centred approach. The formation of practical skills is bound up with the formation of higher level thinking skills, which help students to sift information, critically and creatively process it with the purpose of fruitful communication. The peculiarities of the English language learning content have been analysed and didactic potential of “learner – teacher interaction” strategies has been looked at.


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How to Cite
Свердлова, І. О., & Рубцова, М. А. (2019). Implementation of a Student-Centred Approach for ESL Teaching. The Journal of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: Foreign Philology. Methods of Foreign Language Teaching, 1072(76), 146-151. Retrieved from