Bakelit als Kunststoff: das Plastikjahrhundert beginnt – Sach-und Wortgeschichtendes 20. Jahrhunderts

  • H. Liebsch
Keywords: artificial staff, borrowed word, GDR-German, product name


The article deals with the interrelation of modern borrowed German words designating products and the history of their origin with the comparison of German in FRD and GDR. The main emphasis is put on the words designating artificial staff.


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How to Cite
Liebsch, H. (2019). Bakelit als Kunststoff: das Plastikjahrhundert beginnt – Sach-und Wortgeschichtendes 20. Jahrhunderts. The Journal of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: Foreign Philology. Methods of Foreign Language Teaching, 1072(76), 81-86. Retrieved from