The names of English time units in the ‘cold’ and ‘warm’ world images

  • Євгенія Валеріївна Бондаренко ХНУ імені В. Н. Каразіна
Keywords: a lexeme conceptual underpinning, ‘cold’ (CWI) world image, domain, domain matrix, time duality, ‘warm’ world image (WWI)


The regularities of reflecting time duality in the modern English language system are considered. The time duality is viewed as the subject being distanced from / involved in time observation in terms of the ‘cold’ or scientific and ‘warm’ or nonscientific world images (CWI and WWI). The procedure of singling out the components of CWI and WWI in the English names of time units is concluded in defining the structure (as a domain matrix) and typical verbalizing means of the conceptual underpinning of the polysemantic synonyms of the time lexeme.


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How to Cite
Бондаренко, Є. В. (2019). The names of English time units in the ‘cold’ and ‘warm’ world images. The Journal of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. Series: Foreign Philology. Methods of Foreign Language Teaching, 1072(76), 6-14. Retrieved from