Verbalization of Emotional States in Multimodal Text: Intersemiotic Translation (Based on the Material of the English and Ukrainian Languages)
The article highlights the problem of translation of visual texts, meaning-making based on the analyses and comparison of descriptions of emotions, feelings, sensations and associations in the multimodal text; the paper considers the notions of multimodality, intersemiotic translation, interpretation of the visual text of illustration; the article investigates the communicative function of multimodal texts that contain the signs of different semiotic systems and represent one referential situation by different means of semiotics; it outlines the features of the artistic language of illustration; the article looks at the issues of interoception and basic emotions; it carries out the semiotic analysis of figures, forms, lines and colors, as well as the analyses of the reviews of English-speaking film critics and the film ,the interpretations of illustration symbols by the Ukrainian-speaking subjects of the associative experiment; the work conducts the comparative analysis of the interpretations of emotional states in both the English critical articles and the representatives of Ukrainian culture.
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