Problems of functioning of modern Arabic anthroponyms in the framework of intercultural communication of the Ukrainian educational space

  • Л. Куплевацька Language Training Department 1, International Education Institute for Study and Research, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University
  • Т. Манівська Language Training Department 1, International Education Institute for Study and Research, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University
Keywords: Arabic anthropological formula, educational migrant, secondary language personality, acculturative stress, success of intercultural communication


The article deals with the problem of the functioning of modern Arabic anthroponyms in intercultural communication as seen in educational migrants of V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University. The last make up a significant number (up to 40%) of all the foreign students of the university. The problems considered in the paper concern the lingua communicative competencies of subject and language teachers and dean’s staff as well as lingua sociocultural competencies of the foreign students. The object of the research is a comparison of different variants of the Arabic anthroponymic formulas and their functioning in the conditions of the Ukrainian office work. The purpose of the article is to describe the differences in Ukrainian and Arabic formulas, to denote the problems, to offer stress prevention solutions through various drills. Solving the problem of applying a full name to an educational migrant becomes a key to achieving success in further interpersonal communication at the level of teacher-student, and the correctness and professionalism of its solution contribute to the process of adaptation of educational migrants. The actuality of this research is confirmed by the existence of a large number of Arabic dialects with a multitude of anthropological formulas. They have different compositions and order of the components. The authors analyze differences in Ukrainian and Arabic formulas; identify three main formulas of functioning invariants of migrants’ full name in the educational space of Ukraine and present examples of recommended drills. The article contains a practical analysis of anthropological formulas in passports of various Arabic countries, components of migrants’ names in an electronic database, and the temporary residence permit in Ukraine. The formation of a secondary language personality of an educational migrant begins with self-identification in the new Ukrainian linguistic and cultural society through awareness of three invariants of the Arabic anthroponymic formulas, which actively function in the educational space of Ukraine: anthroponymic formulas from the national passports; anthroponymic formulas in the Unified State Electronic Database on Education (EDEBO); anthroponymic formulas in the certificates for temporary stay in Ukraine, and establishing a relationship between these invariants with the communicative tasks of the intercultural communication, and the place of their use.


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How to Cite
Куплевацька, Л., & Манівська, Т. (2021). Problems of functioning of modern Arabic anthroponyms in the framework of intercultural communication of the Ukrainian educational space. Teaching Languages at Higher Educational Establishments at the Present Stage. Intersubject Relations, (38), 153-169.