The formation of speech competence in medical students in classes of “The Ukrainian Language (for Specific Purposes)”

Keywords: language competence, communicative performance, critical thinking, communicative competence, language performance


In the article, we investigate the formation of speech competence in medical students in classes of the Ukrainian Language for Specific Purposes. We have substantiated the appropriateness of complex formation of linguistic and speech competence in the students of medical educational institutions. We have emphasized that the professional communication of future medical workers should be formed as a result of thorough training aimed at professional expertise. The professional activity can be exercised only by persons with a high professional level of culture, intercultural communication and ability to improve professionally. In the article, we have stressed the importance of formation of the professional communicative competence in future workers of the health industry. There have been defined the characteristic features of the communicative culture of the medical employee. We have elaborated on the methodology of the formation of communicative competence in future medical workers. We have proved that successful formation of professional communication skills in medical students depends on active enrichment of their vocabulary with terminology based on profession-oriented texts and dictionaries, work on stable skills of communicative self-control and self-analysis, the formation of critical thinking, desire to work independently, compliance with the rules of linguistic courtesy. Communicative competence of students is effectively formed with the aid of the technology of critical thinking development as it gives a possibility to create ambiguous situations and consider one problem from the different viewpoints. We propose to use debates in class as a form of communicative strategy that facilitates the process of new topics acquisition, induces the students to search for new information and extends their knowledge, develops not only communicative, but also intellectual capacities of medical students, and educates morally conscientious professionals.


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How to Cite
Юрчак, Г. (2019). The formation of speech competence in medical students in classes of “The Ukrainian Language (for Specific Purposes)”. Teaching Languages at Higher Educational Establishments at the Present Stage. Intersubject Relations, (35), 163-174.