Linguistic and linguodidactic aspects of training lexicography
The article offers the description of the content of lexicography – scientific and practical activities, which are necessary for the teacher of Russian as a foreign language in the process of training various linguistic aspects. The typology of dictionaries has been presented and the basic principles of lexicography based on didactic postulates of teaching/learning foreign languages in higher educational institutions have been formulated. The table of lexicography contents is a lexicographic model which is necessary in practice of teaching/learning foreign languages.
The special place occupies the ground of didactic concept “Lexical minimum” – teaching dictionary that is the totality of the words selected by means of harmonic compression of the literary language with a certain methodical purpose. Terminological minimum – functionally constrained lexical minimum that reflects the certain fragment of the dictionary composition, related to one or another special language. A training dictionary (dictionary for learning the language) must give the information of linguistic, methodical, culturological, psychological, sociolinguistic character, related to mastering the language by students.
Practically every type of the lexicographic work (taking into account methodical and pragmatical features of the dictionary) is possible to present as educational, methodically reasonable for this stage, situation, contingent of education, etc. Training dictionaries are divided into explanatory, translation, ideographical, word-formation, combinational, electronic, complex, and many others. Lexicography opens the functional aspect of the language and is based on sprouting a new perspective direction – the theory of functional lexicography.
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