Contrastive description of idiomatic vocabulary as a factor of foreign students’ personality formation.

  • Т. В. Креч
Keywords: contrastive description of phraseologisms, interlingual and intralingual homonymy, linguistic personality, phraseological synonymy.


This paper examines the place and role of idiomatic units as a part of the specific cultural layer. Their importance for the formation of language personality is determined.

Idiomatically coloured vocabulary helps to understand national and cultural originality of the language which foreign students learn, to adjust the dialogue of cultures that creates favourable conditions for mutual understanding in various spheres of communication.

The language system of each ethnic group in the system of lexical units values ?? reflects extralinguistic reality, which is the living environment of the specific group of people and forms a national picture of the world, the uniqueness of which is not always clear and sufficiently formed enough in the students’ linguistic world.

The attempt of analyzing the interaction of the foreign language, consciousness and culture through the prism of idiomatically coloured lexical units, in particular phraseological units, is represented in the article.

Contrastive comparison of phraseological units and idiomatically coloured expressions in closely related (Russian, Ukrainian, partially Polish) and polysystem (Russian and Chinese) languages has been carried out.

The cases of cross-language antonymy are displayed, the impact of secondary nomination on the formation of foreign students’ language picture of the world provides recommendations concerning the lexicographic description of the matched units in bilingual dictionaries of an active type with the antiinterference focus.

A special place in the article takes the description of phraseological synonymy as well as recommendations on the semantization of synonyms caused by national singularity of the target language.

The examples under analysis demonstrate the necessity of contrastive description of phraseological units in the closely related and polysystem languages because each nation, each civilization has its own local pyramid of values.

Foreign audience requires semantization of phraseologisms as the language phrasebook fund is the quintessence of wisdom, eternal experience of people, kind of indicator of the mentality.


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How to Cite
Креч, Т. В. (2017). Contrastive description of idiomatic vocabulary as a factor of foreign students’ personality formation. Teaching Languages at Higher Educational Establishments at the Present Stage. Intersubject Relations, (29), 45-54. Retrieved from