The culture codes as the basis of the linguosociocultural competence formation of inophones

Keywords: culture code, inophones, linguosociocultural competence, Russian language


The article is dedicated to the definition of linguo-methodological basis of the inophones’ linguosociocultural competence formation system. The study of the problem is based on teaching the Russian language to Chinese students-philologists. The relevance of the research is distinguished by the fact, that while learning the foreign culture in cohesion with the foreign language, the most complex and important is the investigation of nationally-colored components. The current coverage of the units of cultural knowledge storage and transmission studies have been analyzed. The national cultural environment includes the national linguosociocultural society members’ existing and the potential vision of the culture phenomena. The foreign language learning objective is to select, from the existing in the national cultural environment, the cultural phenomena needed by any group of inophones for meeting their communicative and professional needs, and to develop the principles of the methodological description and presentation of designated units. In the present-day linguosociocultural studies and cognitive linguistics, the system of signs with cultural meaning is defined as a culture code. The culture codes are transmitted both vertically and horizontally: they are formed by the linguistic consciousness of the culture-bearers and simultaneously are forming their linguistic consciousness. Being transmitted from generation to generation they are modeling the linguistic world-image. The frame is the structure of data organization for the stereotype situation representation. Such terms as meme, mentifact, scenario and frame-structure are used in culturology. The culture codes are transmitted with the help of culture gens and are expressed in the lingoucultural units – concepts. The particular utterances of the native speakers appear not like the result of their construction, but as reproduction of the stable combinations, sentences, quotations and associations from their memory. For the linguosociocultural competence of inophones’ formation the creation of a level system has been suggested: the culture codes – scenarios – language units of different levels.



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How to Cite
Чунься, Ч. (2016). The culture codes as the basis of the linguosociocultural competence formation of inophones. Teaching Languages at Higher Educational Establishments at the Present Stage. Intersubject Relations, (28), 126-135. Retrieved from