Psychobiological mechanisms of linguistic thinking development

Keywords: development, linguistic thinking, memory, thinking


The article deals with the conditions of the effective development of thinking and speech. Thinking is understood as a cognitive process that is a system of consciously regulated intellectual operations of analysis, synthesis, comparison, and abstraction. Thinking starts with a question; involvement of the emotional sphere controlled by the intellect make it more acute and passionate. Thinking as a psychobiological process and language as a process of abstraction and generalization are determinate phenomena: a thought occurs based on language and takes its shape in speech. Therefore, any thinking is impossible without language and the linguistic thinking is understood as a complex of intellectual operations of analysis, synthesis, comparison, correlation, and generalization performed in the process of solving linguistic and speech cognitive problems, i.e. a process of performing intellectual operations based on the language and by means of the language.

Major psychobiological mechanisms of thinking development are attention, memory, perception and comprehension.

The author also considers conditions of efficient memory development as a key factor affecting the thinking process and describes a system of drills for development of memory when working with a text.



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How to Cite
Стативка, В. И. (2016). Psychobiological mechanisms of linguistic thinking development. Teaching Languages at Higher Educational Establishments at the Present Stage. Intersubject Relations, (28), 106-117. Retrieved from