The basic methodological approaches to improve performance and competence of the humanities students (non-philologists)

Keywords: competence, methodological approaches, performance.


The article describes the basic principles of improving native language skills of the humanities students (non-philologists). The authors discuss application specifics of methods of teaching the professional Ukrainian language at university, demonstrate the ways of communication skills training and offer major methodological approaches to create an effective way to acquire competence in avoiding misunderstanding in professional situations. The best features of different methods have been defined, for example: translation of various types of texts, rewriting articles, grammar exercises (to improve grammar and spelling skills), discussion of controversial issues, making up dialogues and polylogues, literature searching, creation of professional texts, proposing a thesis, making a plan or notes, searching for synonyms or antonyms, text and document editing, trying to convey a message in as few words as possible. An important communication skill is knowing what form of communication to use. Effective professional communication is an essential component of compromise. When a problem exists, both individuals must work collaboratively to find mutually acceptable solutions (some exercises to improve this skill are offered in the paper). The authors think that being an effective communicator takes skills. Communication is rather a totality of skills than an individual skill. Workers in the digital age must know how to effectively convey and receive messages in person as well as via phone, email and social media. Communication skills of every person have to be developed, refined and added to the existing basis. Individual work or working in groups can be suggested. These methods could be used to improve speech activity of the future specialists. 



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How to Cite
Курушина, М. А., & Літвінова, І. М. (2016). The basic methodological approaches to improve performance and competence of the humanities students (non-philologists). Teaching Languages at Higher Educational Establishments at the Present Stage. Intersubject Relations, (28), 68-76. Retrieved from